Makta Pond <>

Figs In Wigs
1 message

Real Up Human [.net] <>Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 4:42 AM
To: Unknown <>

Rectify Positions of BULK STORAGE
June 30 – July 31, 2021
Location: : Peacebuilding WebSite Headquarters
:, 3260 Grande Vista Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92405, USA
Description: You are making something crazy as crazy makes it appear --- a conspiracy you are [ Now? ] putting this into the admin directives upon me with your account member notice? ----- I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt --- there are actually a few things that are in a sequence that must be put into PORTIONAL PERSPECTIVES. We [ The World ] are in deed in the very moments of time, energy, and space [ The DoD Report Expected To Be Issued By June 25th 2023 on what appears to be caught on camera by official military Naval Officers -- A sign --- you might want to reflect upon where digital bits and bytes stored on your servers at the directive hands of this human here. In the notice that your origin email address producing this notice has indeed content that is rather disturbed of sensibility or normal. As my representation is golden to what I say is what I do, what I do is what I hold honorable intentions for --- In whatever effort your issued complaint services - every aspect of REALISM OF THE TRUE UNDERLYING CONCERNS you expressed --- might indeed be a factors of activities not under the direct control of any and all human called into actions -- I hold no digitally processing scripts on your site --- that are not of your own design and implementations I do not engage in bulk FTP File Transfers --- [ A DATA DUMP ] is still not by my definition violating anything of what you are implying ---- comparison of terms [ already you have termed ] "abnormally high disk space" as "unintentional"? I highly suggest you consider something ---- people of a civil duty to be put onto a panel to discuss the reasoning you're making ---- to perhaps see the illogical way you're stating my account activities. To a rule fools might need to question why --- why --- -why you just surface with this claim.... I would need a completely accurate historical graph of disk space usage --- perhaps there has indeed been some kind of ---- targeted activities by violations of security --- I already crossed that discussion to you --- in January 2021. For I am responding to the email content before making my assessments of my layout of what is truly a "Personal Information System" being used in a compliance ---as accurate as to be REAL --- A TRUTH OF TRUE --- A LIVE LIFE JOURNAL WITH NO TEMPLATE BLOG SHELL Functions --- I just wing it as I define it --- a means -- the structure is based on directory tree involvements on persons places and things interchanged on the web --- you are silly silly -- I don't make too many BULK DATA COPIES as that FUNCTION CAN BE DONE BY SUBDOMAIN POINTERS. Holding Up Here --- How many individuals outside of me could become a member of holding their own FTP account to draw upon this same function to their own services of holding once again --- a "personal information system" ---- 5? 10? 100? 10000? a 100,000 FTP Users Contributing Content Into the Site --- As all would be holding membership to the INFORMATIONAL THEORY NETWORKING ASSIGNED ---BY DESIGN -- NO VIOLATIONS OCCUR -- YOU GET REAL --- OUT OF ORDER --- OUT OF LINE --- YOUR SHOWING EXPOSED --- AT LEAST IF THERE IS NOT SOME OTHER FACTOR INVOLVED THAT HAS REPLICATED BULK STORAGE AS OUTSIDE OF MY SINGLE MAN CONTRIBUTES OF STORAGE DETAIL. I DEMAND TO KNOW YOUR NAME --- AND WHEN YOU GET THIS DEMAND I DEMAND THAT YOU EXPLAIN IN FULL DETAIL --- OUTSIDE OF THE OTHER INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED OUTSIDE OF JUST US -- WE HAVE A BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT AND INFLUENCES FROM OUTSIDE PARTIES IS A VIOLATION OF SECURITY ---- YOU ARE PUSHING YOURSELF INTO THE DEEP HOT WATER --- IF YOU MAINTAIN THIS OUTRAGEOUS CONSIDERATIONS TO ATTEMPT TO MOVE ME OFF MY PLATFORM OF PEACE BUILDING MODELS --- YOU JUST LOST IT DUDES! I guarantee --- if you pull my data off the server --- for any unjustified reasons With no attorney --- I can easily self represent the entire argument upward to the highest court of our nation and further into international law --- get real! You just now come up with this - instrument -- to issue upon our days of hate CONSPIRACY that the details that I have put into your view --- on the 911 TEXT POLICE CONTENT TRANSCRIPT --- Your motives are highly skewed to be in an ENEMY OF OUR NATION ALLEGIANCES with that factions of treasonous activities in VIOLATION of United States Code Article 19, Section 242 --- Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law --- Do you want to challenge my resolves here --- EVERY ASPECT of the HIDDEN WORLD MENTIONED HERE ---- I will put into view under BRAIN FINGERPRINTING -- I guarantee you will lose! Do you hear me? AS OF RIGHT NOW --- The Focus Detail of everything you want to claim is "abnormally high" now has a MICROSCOPE 1000X into view --- Where is it? What DIRECTORY --- WHAT ACTIVITY --- I DEMAND WEBLOGS --- or DROP IT with AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Your FIRST IMPRESSIONS were TRIGGERED by CIRCUMSTANCES\ that do not apply to my account activity and storage behaviors. DETAILS --- DETAILS -- -or FLY OFF AND JUMP IN A LAKE NAMED You just lost the argument ! I DEMAND TO KNOW THE OUTSIDE SOURCES PERSONS that have FOUND themselves to be making my account somehow and some why a part of "whispering discussions" in an administration need to remand down some kind of actions of storage offense --- not likely --- what has changed --- if actions are put rash ways of holding large scale digital processing presences on the web in comparison to little old me --- single human being --- a mind of one man and the data being created and involved barely --- I mean barely touches anything outrageously over stuffed --- Hello? who might be holding the need of drawing attention to your tech holdings. Give It Up!
  1. The day before at 11:30pm
Organizer: James Driskill
James Driskill