James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Facebook Feedback - Williamson Country Jail Corrections
2 messages

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 1:23 AM
To: FacebookFeedback-WilliamsonCountyJailhouseCorrections@fuckeduphuman.net
Facebook, it is most unusual that somehow the internet domains that I have had active on the Informational Society for over 15 years -- now all of a sudden seem to be filtered from active URL linking previews when given URL in public commenting and in messenger.  There is some kind of filter been placed into my way --- interference -- that is most offensive and abusive to me -- and the truth -- that must be set into a forward motion to correct.  I don't question your capability of you all to put me as low as you can go -- CONTENT SUPPRESSION.  

4 days ago, I posted this Facebook comment -- and the preview of the contained link was reached out to its the source and put into the commentary for the public.  ABSOLUTELY, there is no malicious content of any kind -- the content safe -- on my domains.  There is ABSOLUTELY NOW SOME KIND OF FILTERING -- I am not harassing anyone.

The content that I have to offer on this platform may reflect details that should bring this action of filtering content from my internet domains into a review and understanding.  It becomes obvious in the manner if what I suggest is true. A complaint was generated against me from the account ID of this comment, and that is flat-out wrong.  


The Posting Account [ Williamson County, Tx, Sheriff's Office ] has restricted me from further commenting.  That action is definitely showing holding against me --- issued from a public agency -- is a violation of my first amendment rights.  That action is illegal.  To the extend what I said in my post --- Holds True:

"Please do not BLOCK MY ACCOUNT ACCESS to your PAGE and do not just ignore the content this is posted here. If either of those actions is set into motion, thus violating my 1st amendment rights to be present here, I will wholely hell complain to Facebook for your actions are ABSOLUTELY unprofessional of law enforcement to not engage a citizen here."


Dear Facebook, my domains should be returned back to active status and not be put into a black list for the actions that I am doing.  Because the activity that I am calling into question is very serious and goes to matters that are of NATIONAL SECURITY imperatives.  I have also contacted my LOCAL POLICE and have the same CONSIDERATIONS upon them as well to DENY MY RIGHTS OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT.  I must bring these matters forward into view. I have CONTACTED the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE in view of these matters.  Would you please OPEN YOURSELF to the CONTENT that has provided in view of these matters are located on the domain:

 [ @fuckeduphuman.net ] -- Appropriately defined.



"Therefore, instead of thinking of swearing as uniformly harmful or morally wrong, more meaningful information about swearing can be obtained by asking what communication goals swearing achieves. Swear words can achieve a number of outcomes, as when used positively for joking or storytelling, stress management, fitting in with the crowd, or as a substitute for physical aggression. Recent work by Stephens et al. even shows that swearing is associated with enhanced pain tolerance. This finding suggests swearing has a cathartic effect, which many of us may have personally experienced in frustration or in response to pain. Despite this empirical evidence, the positive consequences of swearing are commonly disregarded in the media. Here is an opportunity for psychological scientists to help inform the media and policymakers by clearly describing the range of outcomes of swearing, including the benefits."


Worried About Swearing Too Much? Science Says You Shouldn't BePeople who swear like a sailor are more honest and more intelligent, studies show.By Alex OrlandoJan 14, 2020 6:00 AM


"Damn Honest Beyond swearing's impacts on the body and mind, research has shown that cursing can influence our social dynamics, too. A 2012 study found that swearing can enhance the effectiveness and persuasiveness of an argument. In addition, cursing can also convey an emotional reaction to something without us resorting to physical violence. And while many might consider swearing less than savory, a recent study revealed that people who curse often actually lie less and have a higher degree of integrity. After the scientists surveyed how often participants use profanity, they conducted a series of tests to determine how truthful an individual was. The research team found a positive link between profanity and honesty. Cursing was associated with less deception on an interpersonal level, and higher levels of integrity overall:"


Now Facebook, you must get involved to REMOVE the FILTER that has been placed because of a complaint of a LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY to CALL OUT their WRONGDOING -- not mine.  I am here in all full honesty. I am strictly here expressing THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.


I have a GOOGLE FEEDBACK in the view -- that I am relaying to you  -- I am not asking GOOGLE to REMOVE FILTERING -- I am asking an ACTION to CORRECT the SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM of FACEBOOK that has NOW BEEN ALTERED because of retaliation in some form by NOW FILTERING my and classifying my content as NOT ACCEPTABLE for GENERAL USE on FACEBOOK.


If someone has been threatened with retaliation, please describe that in your complaint. It’s rare to hear of retribution for complaints to the Jail Commission, probably because once a complaint is reported, the jail knows that eyes are watching. Almost everyone agrees that prisoners should speak up and report abuse or neglect or unsafe conditions. (If you believe that giving your loved one’s name could be risky for her or him, please email us and we’ll discuss that with you.)

--------This is the GOOGLE FEEDBACK I have directed to their care of these matters:

Feedback on Google Search [ Lyrics Bridge Over Troubled Water ]:


Dear Google Feedback -

This is the google search results page for the Lyrics of Bridge Over Troubled Water.  

This feedback is marked as [ Something is wrong ].

I have made this a snippet text onto an address upon LAW ENFORCEMENT that is of matters of NATIONAL SECURITY interest.

There remains a silence everlasting tone of absolutely no response of the matters involved that I must place into the public discourse.

In Facebook Messenger, I have opened and attempted a dual exchange conversation with law enforcement to the Williamson County, Tx, Sheriff's Office.  

The Lyrics In Full Was Pasted Into That Conversation Chat at the very opening introduction.  Here is what I expressed -- and it applies the same to the reader of this Google Feedback [ human to human ]:


 [ Metaphor ]
 We [ human to human ]  are both are in the well pit --- devoid of any response from above -- both yelling for someone to to show up and rescue us from the troublewater we are in.  
 A Bridge Over Troubled Water.


There has been no active participation in matters that are grave and severe to conclude as matters of NATIONAL SECURITY interests.  I gave them the opening opportunity which so far they have failed to meet their duty of enforcement -[ officer ] of the law.  

I have had to place reference of this to the United States Department of Justice in the presence of what I discovered of conditions that have been done to the building specifications of a fire protection system that was originally installed in a new building facility in 2003.  

Google [ human to human ] - you are placed into reference as a holder to the ties of the truth.  

I have gone through the How To File A Complaint About a Jail from http://TexasJailProject.org -- That references the exact full detail of the discovery of what I found maladjusted to standard administration code.  The underlying reason and purpose for these changes is sinister. I claim with the details I provide,

There have been at least 24 individual jail cells to serve as some kind of isolated from the public view [ private space ] and used for human abuse as TORTURE CHAMBERS.  This could or may be set into motion in this specification to serve those who would desire to overthrow our government -- such as what happened on January 6th, 2021 at the Federal Capitol Building.  Considerations that if jail houses across this nation have had similar changes, these spaces in collective could be used and would be used to continue a power takeover of the full country of our nation.


I have placed the correspondence attempts to resolve these matters into a public access archive and they are designed to provide PUBLIC ACCESS to the PUBLIC INTEREST to know the truth to these concerns -- even if those who I have contacted remain silent to form a response of responsibility.

PUBLIC ACCESS to --- Has Spoken Voice Narratives Audio Media Created For These Pages.

An External Public Access Content Copy Archive of the Complaint - With Preappended Content Presented To The Public
from: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>to: complaints@tcjs.state.tx.uscc: help@texasjailproject.orgdate: Dec 1, 2021, 1:28 AM
subject: Notice of Fire Protection System Modifications - Against Fire Code -- Smoke Detectors Removed and Missing From Infirmary Individual Cells [ 24 Count ] - Seriously! Intentionally removed, an act sinister upon future purposes. http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/texasjailproject.org/Gmail%20-%20TexasJailProject%20-%20Notice%20of%20Fire%20Protection%20System%20Modifications.htm
 2021-12-01 19:05 46K

--------An External Public Access Content Copy Archive Of Facebook Messenger Tool With
the facebook account [ Williamson County, TX Sheriff's Office ] -- With Preappended
Content Presented To The Public
 2021-11-30 16:50 267K


Please Respond --- Advise Me What Should I do in these regards to get the attention -- as a MATTER of NATIONAL SECURITY ???


James Driskill
3260 Grande Vista
San Bernardino CA 92405
Home: 909-882-8759
Mobile: 516-406-4560 (Sms ok)

I would welcome an in-person interview from any agency of resolve -- news reporters and/or law enforcement to include agents of honesty and integrity of the FBI.



Do I have your cooperation?


James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 1:26 AM
To: FacebookFeedback-WilliamsonCountyJailhouseCorrections@fuckeduphuman.net


Images sent with Feedback To Facebook

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