James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

[ Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services --- Legal necessity defense alternative of the truth ---- on Glassdoor another review for Colorado Health Network less than a week before I close my case ] : Fwd: Introduction to case needs ---- a man on a mission of peace -- where is the peace when haters have been allowed to win and remain on their throne of hate!
3 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 8:17 AM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
Cc: "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov, david@adam4adam.com

Jonathan, defense attorney in harassment case against me that I settled for a charge of disturbing the peace for reasons of statements made and the current media attention of the Florida shooting.  I did not catch the new update on Glassdoor until last night.  As of this date, I AM STILL TRYING TO SECURE PROPER SERVICES IN LIEU of events from Denver at Phoenix Community Counseling Center.  That material is now filed here:


here is the new review for Colorado Health Network:---- it places the truth in better favor odds that If I pursued defending my case, it would have gone more to the evidence in my favor that I am holding the truth cards and they cannot be trusted.  They includes my current interface at Phoenix Community Counseling for Mr Stephen Graves asinine directives that I cannot use email.  That directive makes him look guilty of being a part of this #conspiracy even if side real indirectly involved.

My reply to my new current interface to social services that this #ConspiracyExposed is systemic.  I can not trust anyone to do the right thing yet in view of events fully. CHANGE THIS STATUS QUO, I MEAN IT REAL!

When is the paradigm shift going to happen to get proper case management and treatment options in my case?  I claim the public health account at adam4adam for STD partner to partner reporting was being run by Colorado Health Network and I do not know how it is arranged here in San Bernardino County.  That is why Dr. Berger and Dr. Zane recoiled from their continued service obligations, 

A bunch of made up creations to justify detaching services when he realized I know and that he knows the truth of these matters and I was questioning his Hippocratic Oath against the record of truth.

That is why I will not accept anything less of excellence involving my case and bringing forward these facts.  There is a lot happening here.   I hope you are keeping track of your 30 day trust-binding interface to my network.  Thank you for being that outlet of rational consideration, even if just in writing placement spirit, when I may need to issue another so called threat to get me into hot water once more with the court system for the failures of the social services side of these equations.  When will I see this paradigm shift occur?

On Glassdoor, this new review appears:  - No Reprimands Have Been Issues for Adaption of Greatness Course Corrections at CHN.  They have an expiring time that technology will still be at their hands of exploitation at least..... [ adam4adam is changing  it's app platform finally ]

Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better


I claim they have been violating the information privacy of clients to and the security hole that has been coded in the Adam4adam gay dating site has been exploited to this working environment to the working extremes.  Adam4adam collapsed from either the pressure of now attention to the matters from either now  the FBI alertness to my materials on twitter since my statement was made and they finally showed up at my front door to investigate.  Or adam4adam is caught in the leverage that zendesk applied the pressure needed from the interface of http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net : http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net .  Zendesk was involved as well in the coverup of auto-solving my tickets but I caught some static materials interface to an editor on site zendesk and linkedin to placing Zendesk in check for their behavior as well.  As of this announcement yesterday on twitter the tweet of notification went out as follows:  [ I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or to hide in lieu of events, david@adam4adam.com is attached to this email as well. ]

24m24 minutes ago

Some good news to come out of this.   I caught it in 24 minutes to respond as:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 2:27 PM
Subject: Reply is requested ----
To: david@adam4adam.com

This situation with the outdated and security holes code of the adam4adam platform is so ridiculous.   I wonder why I had to create http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net and http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net [ points to same online folder ] to the resolve of my community address #4 written to adam4adam support.


We know the date on record for this..  May almost two years now.  [ Written March of 2016 ]. And I have an eviction for the chaos that you are directly involved in #ConspiracyExposed, and you all know it. .



Makta Pond <everylastcumdropugot@gmail.com>

2:18 AM (22 minutes ago)
to Adam4Adam, Awesome
Note for the record of all things considered here, to all time human history, this email will be public memespace filed at this following location:

     [  http://fuckeduphuman.net/[WebDomains]/adam4adam.com ]


Why did it take this record of hate and harassment to continue?


And These two take the cake:

Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-313-1459

Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-207-3988

What has taken you so long to change the code of your security violation that I have known about for over 8 years?   Oh, did the FBI show up at your doorstep to tell you to fix this or else?   Yeah, I bet.  That is because of me.   

Know that you are in check mate.   If I find any other problems with your violations of privacy in these matters --- you will not be released from the scorn that I will have to the @FBI criminal complaint will be filed against your CEO.  I promise you I make sure that is forced into perspectives.

I said to you guys, not all was bad at adam4adam.com but your web bad breath statements I have made may finally becoming a clean fresh breath of reality. 

You should be ashamed of having this record at zendesk for auto-solving matters that were never truly solved.  Are you going to pay attention to me more than you have in the past?

I expect a reply to answer the questions in this email.


James Martin Driskill
long term adam4adam member. 

Just listen to the hate harassment and general chaos allowed to run-a-muck on your site...
I am expecting excellence from the harm you have done to community by ignoring this matter for so many years.  You have not been forgiven or off the hook yet.

24m24 minutes ago

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

When will I see this paradigm shift occur?
That #ConspiracyExposed has terminated??
The matter on record with Wikipedia and the homophobic creations of the Party and Play article must be changed.
Just listen to this in full to the foundation of why the interference violations of privacy is so outrageous to the standards of computing and moral responsibility and violations of information privacy in cyberspace transactions that was censored and remains censored from view.  The truth will be disturbing but must be released.  You all don't realize the harm that has been done, you have not lived the life with friends involved in these harms and the direct harms done onto me.

The Wikipedia Article Changes to Reflect The Truth.  That will be my notification that this #ConspiracyExposed as been status of #ConspiracyExposedTerminated --- but the status remains #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP

This is a matter of record detailed record on site with my domain.
You don't want to mess with an information technology theory wizard creations like me any fucking more.

You hear me complete?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: Introduction to case needs ---- a man on a mission of peace -- where is the peace when haters have been allowed to win and remain on their throne of hate!
To: "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov

Emotional Trauma --- that is what has happened to me.   That if anything is what I need remedy
for assistance in advocacy in making the repairs necessary to community so I can save my
friends I left behind and return my friend / class roster of persons I was educating at
the Awesome Krambone Playroom School of adult consensual practices.  Don't tell me
there is no hope at all.  You would be failing a grade of my expectation of excellence
from everyone to follow words of Pope Francis.

@Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation
8 videos 3 views Updated yesterday

Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis's speech to Congress Sept 2015


---- The use of internet media is required in my case to be client centered.


My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
I accidentally pressed send Sorry. I will start again,

Dear Ms Barbaoza,

It was nice to meet you on Monday to go housing application gathering.  I have one completed application.  I can't remember which application requires "an appointment" call.  Maybe after I have filled all of them, I can go over the instructions of each.

Here is where my introduction story unfolds to you now:

My name is James Martin Driskill.  I was born and raised here in San Bernardino and currently staying with my mother at the house that I grew up in since I was age 5.  It is located on Grande Vista. Effective this housing fiasco from Denver, I have actually registered a google business at this address which is the following:

that says @Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding Website

Here is that website address:


There is no income stream at my web domain and materials on file is a memespace not a GUI Website Interface.   What this means,
it takes a bit of organizing for peace building contents to be filed there.  I had my work interrupted in Denver with an 11 month hate
and harassment campaign of a #ConspiracyExposed in Hiv/Aids Social Services that I can prove is systemic to the effecting the
national system under what is called The Ryan White Care Act. 

If I am going to find a place to re soundly call home, it must be in a place that does not have a negative review from employees of these
typically non-profit organizations. If you know me well, you know I do everything that I say I will do.

It is my intention to get fair case management and return back to Denver with a reconciliation agreement that it was their fault that
my housing collapsed.  But suing a non-profit taking funds away from everyone is not the answer or remedy I seek. 

First, I seek an apology and commitments that the #ConspiracyExposed has terminated and that new commitments and arrangements
are made if the hate and harassment is not ceased against me.   Actually I claim there is a breech of tenancy that occured with my housing
as I did not agree to have an 11 month hate and harassment campaign targeted against me, from the leaders of the Colorado Health Network
aka Denver Colorado Aids Project. 

This is what is said of Colorado Health Network on Glass Door in 3 employee reviews that were offered to the site after I come back home.

New on site another review:

Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
Doesn't Recommend
Neutral Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


The mission at CHN is good.


Very caddy work environment for the most part.

Advice to Management

Get to know employees better


Here is the worst ones on record:


Helpful (2)

Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
Doesn't Recommend
Negative Outlook

I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.

They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hrs prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?

If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.

Turnover is high!
Show Less

Advice to Management

Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?

  • Helpful (1)

  • Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook

    I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


    Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


    Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

    Advice to Management

    Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

    ------ that is filed after my defeat of my housing which was caused by this hate collective and now apparently gossip queens.

    Yep, they have been violating the information cyberspace privacy of clients and generating a hate and harrassment toward black clients and
    those friends of them.   But what do I know when I was there, I have caught the whole thing filed at @fuckeduphuman.net --- yep, I own
    that domain. 

    It is more systemic than just Denver..... and no one is talking or breathing a word.  This has got to stop.

    I have hacked the business profile for Colorado Health Network as:


    I do not believe it is going to be removed. The two employees that quit, one of my case managers Fadumo Adan.

    I am not your average client and do not expect to be treated unwisely to the realities of the world order of moral fortiutes in
    my peace building mission work.

    Where should I go to correct this mess?

    To the Reformation of the Ryan White Act itself is my goal point --- just listen to the other glass door reviews that I have captured into
    a presentation audio, which includes a negative review for here locally Foothill Aids Project.

    [SND] LetterOfAConspiracyExposed.mp3                                   22-Jan-2018 03:34   48M  

    It is systemic and no one is doing anything about it and lives are actually dying from this disservice to community.


    Study shows direct link between state spending habits and AIDS deaths

    test test

    I am very serious about the corrective necessity needed in the Ryan White Care Act social services network!  I want great help on advocacy on how to correct this derailment of trust.

    Thank you.  Whatever town I end up moving to must have a clean Glassdoor reviews against their local Ryan White Care Act Social Services Agency.  This is what makes my case so unique, I do not settle for less than excellence of interface to our informational society to make correct choices. 

    There is some good news.   The security hole that is addressed in the following forwarded email about adam4adam is finally being replaced. 

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 1:54 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    Dear Ms Barbaoza,

    It was nice to meet you on Monday to go housing application gathering.  I have one completed application.  I can't remember which application requires "an appointment" call.  Maybe after I have filled all of them, I can go over the instructions of each.

    Here is where my introduction story unfolds to you now:

    My name is James Martin Driskill.  I was born and raised here in San Bernardino and currently staying with my mother at the house that I grew up in since I was age 5.  It is located on Grande Vista. Effective this housing fiasco from Denver, I have actually registered a google business at this address which is the following:

    that says @Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding Website

    Here is the webpage:

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 11:24 AM
    To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
    Cc: "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov, david@adam4adam.com, enable@un.org

    Spoken Voice Text Narrative Of This Email Is Available at the Following Links: 27 Mins and 36 Seconds

    🗣 Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services.ogg   [ Subject To Refiling Away From #Kramobone-The.Good ]
     02-Mar-2018 14:03 7.2M

    🗣 Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services.ogg  [ filing for Jonathan Jackson [ JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov ]
     02-Mar-2018 14:03 7.2M
    🗣 Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services.ogg   [ Filing for Stephen Graves [ sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov ]
        02-Mar-2018 14:03  7.2M
    To Be Printed for Hand-Delivered Copy with this QR Scan Code Active for Playback of this


    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 8:17 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    Jonathan, defense attorney in harassment case against me that I settled for a charge of disturbing the peace for reasons of statements made and the current media attention of the Florida shooting.  I did not catch the new update on Glassdoor until last night.  As of this date, I AM STILL TRYING TO SECURE PROPER SERVICES IN LIEU of events from Denver at Phoenix Community Counseling Center.  That material is now filed here:


    here is the new review for Colorado Health Network:---- it places the truth in better favor odds that If I pursued defending my case, it would have gone more to the evidence in my favor that I am holding the truth cards and they cannot be trusted.  They includes my current interface at Phoenix Community Counseling for Mr Stephen Graves asinine directives that I cannot use email.  That directive makes him look guilty of being a part of this #conspiracy even if side real indirectly involved.

    My reply to my new current interface to social services that this #ConspiracyExposed is systemic.  I can not trust anyone to do the right thing yet in view of events fully. CHANGE THIS STATUS QUO, I MEAN IT REAL!

    When is the paradigm shift going to happen to get proper case management and treatment options in my case?  I claim the public health account at adam4adam for STD partner to partner reporting was being run by Colorado Health Network and I do not know how it is arranged here in San Bernardino County.  That is why Dr. Berger and Dr. Zane recoiled from their continued service obligations, 

    A bunch of made up creations to justify detaching services when he realized I know and that he knows the truth of these matters and I was questioning his Hippocratic Oath against the record of truth.

    That is why I will not accept anything less of excellence involving my case and bringing forward these facts.  There is a lot happening here.   I hope you are keeping track of your 30 day trust-binding interface to my network.  Thank you for being that outlet of rational consideration, even if just in writing placement spirit, when I may need to issue another so called threat to get me into hot water once more with the court system for the failures of the social services side of these equations.  When will I see this paradigm shift occur?

    On Glassdoor, this new review appears:  - No Reprimands Have Been Issues for Adaption of Greatness Course Corrections at CHN.  They have an expiring time that technology will still be at their hands of exploitation at least..... [ adam4adam is changing  it's app platform finally ]

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    I claim they have been violating the information privacy of clients to and the security hole that has been coded in the Adam4adam gay dating site has been exploited to this working environment to the working extremes.  Adam4adam collapsed from either the pressure of now attention to the matters from either now  the FBI alertness to my materials on twitter since my statement was made and they finally showed up at my front door to investigate.  Or adam4adam is caught in the leverage that zendesk applied the pressure needed from the interface of http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net : http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net .  Zendesk was involved as well in the coverup of auto-solving my tickets but I caught some static materials interface to an editor on site zendesk and linkedin to placing Zendesk in check for their behavior as well.  As of this announcement yesterday on twitter the tweet of notification went out as follows:  [ I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or to hide in lieu of events, david@adam4adam.com is attached to this email as well. ]

    24m24 minutes ago

    Some good news to come out of this.   I caught it in 24 minutes to respond as:

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
    Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 2:27 PM
    Subject: Reply is requested ----
    To: david@adam4adam.com

    This situation with the outdated and security holes code of the adam4adam platform is so ridiculous.   I wonder why I had to create http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net and http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net [ points to same online folder ] to the resolve of my community address #4 written to adam4adam support.


    We know the date on record for this..  May almost two years now.  [ Written March of 2016 ]. And I have an eviction for the chaos that you are directly involved in #ConspiracyExposed, and you all know it. .


    # PNP

    Makta Pond <everylastcumdropugot@gmail.com>

    2:18 AM (22 minutes ago)
    to Adam4Adam, Awesome
    Note for the record of all things considered here, to all time human history, this email will be public memespace filed at this following location:

         [  http://fuckeduphuman.net/[WebDomains]/adam4adam.com ]


    Why did it take this record of hate and harassment to continue?


    And These two take the cake:

    Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-313-1459

    Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-207-3988

    What has taken you so long to change the code of your security violation that I have known about for over 8 years?   Oh, did the FBI show up at your doorstep to tell you to fix this or else?   Yeah, I bet.  That is because of me.   

    Know that you are in check mate.   If I find any other problems with your violations of privacy in these matters --- you will not be released from the scorn that I will have to the @FBI criminal complaint will be filed against your CEO.  I promise you I make sure that is forced into perspectives.

    I said to you guys, not all was bad at adam4adam.com but your web bad breath statements I have made may finally becoming a clean fresh breath of reality. 

    You should be ashamed of having this record at zendesk for auto-solving matters that were never truly solved.  Are you going to pay attention to me more than you have in the past?

    I expect a reply to answer the questions in this email.


    James Martin Driskill
    long term adam4adam member. 

    Just listen to the hate harassment and general chaos allowed to run-a-muck on your site...
    I am expecting excellence from the harm you have done to community by ignoring this matter for so many years.  You have not been forgiven or off the hook yet.

    24m24 minutes ago

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    When will I see this paradigm shift occur?
    That #ConspiracyExposed has terminated??
    The matter on record with Wikipedia and the homophobic creations of the Party and Play article must be changed.
    Just listen to this in full to the foundation of why the interference violations of privacy is so outrageous to the standards of computing and moral responsibility and violations of information privacy in cyberspace transactions that was censored and remains censored from view.  The truth will be disturbing but must be released.  You all don't realize the harm that has been done, you have not lived the life with friends involved in these harms and the direct harms done onto me.

    The Wikipedia Article Changes to Reflect The Truth.  That will be my notification that this #ConspiracyExposed as been status of #ConspiracyExposedTerminated --- but the status remains #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP

    This is a matter of record detailed record on site with my domain.
    You don't want to mess with an information technology theory wizard creations like me any fucking more.

    You hear me complete?

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
    Date: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:49 AM
    Subject: Re: Introduction to case needs ---- a man on a mission of peace -- where is the peace when haters have been allowed to win and remain on their throne of hate!
    To: "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov

    Emotional Trauma --- that is what has happened to me.   That if anything is what I need remedy
    for assistance in advocacy in making the repairs necessary to community so I can save my
    friends I left behind and return my friend / class roster of persons I was educating at
    the Awesome Krambone Playroom School of adult consensual practices.  Don't tell me
    there is no hope at all.  You would be failing a grade of my expectation of excellence
    from everyone to follow words of Pope Francis.

    @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation
    8 videos 3 views Updated yesterday

    Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis's speech to Congress Sept 2015


    ---- The use of internet media is required in my case to be client centered.


    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
    I accidentally pressed send Sorry. I will start again,

    Dear Ms Barbaoza,

    It was nice to meet you on Monday to go housing application gathering.  I have one completed application.  I can't remember which application requires "an appointment" call.  Maybe after I have filled all of them, I can go over the instructions of each.

    Here is where my introduction story unfolds to you now:

    My name is James Martin Driskill.  I was born and raised here in San Bernardino and currently staying with my mother at the house that I grew up in since I was age 5.  It is located on Grande Vista. Effective this housing fiasco from Denver, I have actually registered a google business at this address which is the following:

    that says @Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding Website

    Here is that website address:


    There is no income stream at my web domain and materials on file is a memespace not a GUI Website Interface.   What this means,
    it takes a bit of organizing for peace building contents to be filed there.  I had my work interrupted in Denver with an 11 month hate
    and harassment campaign of a #ConspiracyExposed in Hiv/Aids Social Services that I can prove is systemic to the effecting the
    national system under what is called The Ryan White Care Act. 

    If I am going to find a place to re soundly call home, it must be in a place that does not have a negative review from employees of these
    typically non-profit organizations. If you know me well, you know I do everything that I say I will do.

    It is my intention to get fair case management and return back to Denver with a reconciliation agreement that it was their fault that
    my housing collapsed.  But suing a non-profit taking funds away from everyone is not the answer or remedy I seek. 

    First, I seek an apology and commitments that the #ConspiracyExposed has terminated and that new commitments and arrangements
    are made if the hate and harassment is not ceased against me.   Actually I claim there is a breech of tenancy that occured with my housing
    as I did not agree to have an 11 month hate and harassment campaign targeted against me, from the leaders of the Colorado Health Network
    aka Denver Colorado Aids Project. 

    This is what is said of Colorado Health Network on Glass Door in 3 employee reviews that were offered to the site after I come back home.

    New on site another review:

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    Here is the worst ones on record:


    Helpful (2)

    Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


    Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


    Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.

    They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hrs prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?

    If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.

    Turnover is high!
    Show Less

    Advice to Management

    Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?

  • Helpful (1)

  • Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook

    I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


    Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


    Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

    Advice to Management

    Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

    ------ that is filed after my defeat of my housing which was caused by this hate collective and now apparently gossip queens.

    Yep, they have been violating the information cyberspace privacy of clients and generating a hate and harrassment toward black clients and
    those friends of them.   But what do I know when I was there, I have caught the whole thing filed at @fuckeduphuman.net --- yep, I own
    that domain. 

    It is more systemic than just Denver..... and no one is talking or breathing a word.  This has got to stop.

    I have hacked the business profile for Colorado Health Network as:


    I do not believe it is going to be removed. The two employees that quit, one of my case managers Fadumo Adan.

    I am not your average client and do not expect to be treated unwisely to the realities of the world order of moral fortiutes in
    my peace building mission work.

    Where should I go to correct this mess?

    To the Reformation of the Ryan White Act itself is my goal point --- just listen to the other glass door reviews that I have captured into
    a presentation audio, which includes a negative review for here locally Foothill Aids Project.

    [SND] LetterOfAConspiracyExposed.mp3                                   22-Jan-2018 03:34   48M  

    It is systemic and no one is doing anything about it and lives are actually dying from this disservice to community.


    Study shows direct link between state spending habits and AIDS deaths

    test test

    I am very serious about the corrective necessity needed in the Ryan White Care Act social services network!  I want great help on advocacy on how to correct this derailment of trust.

    Thank you.  Whatever town I end up moving to must have a clean Glassdoor reviews against their local Ryan White Care Act Social Services Agency.  This is what makes my case so unique, I do not settle for less than excellence of interface to our informational society to make correct choices. 

    There is some good news.   The security hole that is addressed in the following forwarded email about adam4adam is finally being replaced. 

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 1:54 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    Dear Ms Barbaoza,

    It was nice to meet you on Monday to go housing application gathering.  I have one completed application.  I can't remember which application requires "an appointment" call.  Maybe after I have filled all of them, I can go over the instructions of each.

    Here is where my introduction story unfolds to you now:

    My name is James Martin Driskill.  I was born and raised here in San Bernardino and currently staying with my mother at the house that I grew up in since I was age 5.  It is located on Grande Vista. Effective this housing fiasco from Denver, I have actually registered a google business at this address which is the following:

    that says @Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding Website

    Here is the webpage:

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)


    Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 12:34 PM
    To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
    Cc: "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov, david@adam4adam.com, enable@un.org, "Human First Male Second Deputy Sherrif 3rd Terry @Gruwup Klinkhart" <tklinkhart@sbcsd.org>
    Just had to add the definition that the new glass door was referring to onto this record:

    From Urbandictionary.com : Defintion #3 for Caddy

    When a person or group of people, usually friends, or sometimes in college sorority sisters, act very immature, don't ever escape the "high school mindset" such as getting caught up in stupid (caddy) drama that is relatively unimportant, are sometimes annoying, loud, obnoxious, materialistic, drunk, change their morals for the acceptance of others, act like they are "the shit" and above others in status who are not in that group, etc. things of that nature.
    I can't stand that group of peoples' "caddy" attitudes. They are going no where in life until they realize that they need to grow up and stop acting so... "CADDY"!
    by Cali Girl 3131 December 12, 2008

    They need to Grow up or be @Gruwup up?   How about that, they are referenced at the following referenced subdomain urls:

    http://coloradohealthnetwork.fuckeduphuman.net/     <---|
    http://coloradohealthnetwork.muckeduphuman.net/   <---| Matching Content URLs
    http://denvercap.muckeduphuman.net/                    <---|

    Who wants to be next to be included in this abomination of service supportive agency?

    In the name of my case manager that still remains employed as the email address is still open and does not return invalid.

    http://angelaelizabethkeady.fuckeduphuman.net/    <---| 

    Listen to this SoundCloud Posting Presentation 1 Hour and 40 Minutes Long.  Media presentation to attempt to fix this situation when no one has been
    paying mind to the mess but supporting the haters.


    When can you can come to the table honestly with no hidden agendas and discuss why the community has a 18 transparency international score of corruption in this country where 0 is the most corrupt in this article.

    [TXT] Gmail - Transparency International.html                                                  02-Mar-2018 00:12   21K  

    URL Serviced by the following binding content structure:


    @Gruwup 2018
    Great Reasons Us [ You There, I here, And All Interested and Listening Audiences Around ] Will Unite Peace

    In Closing, if this agenda of correcitve action is not taken seriously, I want my United States Citzenry Changed to some place
    less corrupt where the haters don't win over the good doing peoples. 

    where you sanity of salvation will come when you meet God All Mighty for Passing this content and ignoring its message
    that is disturbing to pay attention to.  This is exactly what it is , real up human honest truth to the circumstances that
    I have lived through.  Your inaction of motives to do something, anything right for a change will be noted for the record.

    You collectively cannot sit there and remain silent after paying attention to this e-mail unless you are indeed psychopaths yourself!

    You have homework assignments outside of our session to pay mindful attention work to.   I only expect excellence
    from everyone involved.

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 11:24 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    Spoken Voice Text Narrative Of This Email Is Available at the Following Links: 27 Mins and 36 Seconds

    🗣 Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services.ogg   [ Subject To Refiling Away From #Kramobone-The.Good ]
     02-Mar-2018 14:03 7.2M

    🗣 Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services.ogg  [ filing for Jonathan Jackson [ JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov ]
     02-Mar-2018 14:03 7.2M
    🗣 Goal To Obtain Proper Case Management and Services.ogg   [ Filing for Stephen Graves [ sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov ]
        02-Mar-2018 14:03  7.2M
    To Be Printed for Hand-Delivered Copy with this QR Scan Code Active for Playback of this


    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 8:17 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    Jonathan, defense attorney in harassment case against me that I settled for a charge of disturbing the peace for reasons of statements made and the current media attention of the Florida shooting.  I did not catch the new update on Glassdoor until last night.  As of this date, I AM STILL TRYING TO SECURE PROPER SERVICES IN LIEU of events from Denver at Phoenix Community Counseling Center.  That material is now filed here:


    here is the new review for Colorado Health Network:---- it places the truth in better favor odds that If I pursued defending my case, it would have gone more to the evidence in my favor that I am holding the truth cards and they cannot be trusted.  They includes my current interface at Phoenix Community Counseling for Mr Stephen Graves asinine directives that I cannot use email.  That directive makes him look guilty of being a part of this #conspiracy even if side real indirectly involved.

    My reply to my new current interface to social services that this #ConspiracyExposed is systemic.  I can not trust anyone to do the right thing yet in view of events fully. CHANGE THIS STATUS QUO, I MEAN IT REAL!

    When is the paradigm shift going to happen to get proper case management and treatment options in my case?  I claim the public health account at adam4adam for STD partner to partner reporting was being run by Colorado Health Network and I do not know how it is arranged here in San Bernardino County.  That is why Dr. Berger and Dr. Zane recoiled from their continued service obligations, 

    A bunch of made up creations to justify detaching services when he realized I know and that he knows the truth of these matters and I was questioning his Hippocratic Oath against the record of truth.

    That is why I will not accept anything less of excellence involving my case and bringing forward these facts.  There is a lot happening here.   I hope you are keeping track of your 30 day trust-binding interface to my network.  Thank you for being that outlet of rational consideration, even if just in writing placement spirit, when I may need to issue another so called threat to get me into hot water once more with the court system for the failures of the social services side of these equations.  When will I see this paradigm shift occur?

    On Glassdoor, this new review appears:  - No Reprimands Have Been Issues for Adaption of Greatness Course Corrections at CHN.  They have an expiring time that technology will still be at their hands of exploitation at least..... [ adam4adam is changing  it's app platform finally ]

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    I claim they have been violating the information privacy of clients to and the security hole that has been coded in the Adam4adam gay dating site has been exploited to this working environment to the working extremes.  Adam4adam collapsed from either the pressure of now attention to the matters from either now  the FBI alertness to my materials on twitter since my statement was made and they finally showed up at my front door to investigate.  Or adam4adam is caught in the leverage that zendesk applied the pressure needed from the interface of http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net : http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net .  Zendesk was involved as well in the coverup of auto-solving my tickets but I caught some static materials interface to an editor on site zendesk and linkedin to placing Zendesk in check for their behavior as well.  As of this announcement yesterday on twitter the tweet of notification went out as follows:  [ I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or to hide in lieu of events, david@adam4adam.com is attached to this email as well. ]

    24m24 minutes ago

    Some good news to come out of this.   I caught it in 24 minutes to respond as:

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
    Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 2:27 PM
    Subject: Reply is requested ----
    To: david@adam4adam.com

    This situation with the outdated and security holes code of the adam4adam platform is so ridiculous.   I wonder why I had to create http://zendesk-adam4adam.fuckeduphuman.net and http://adam4adam-zendesk.fuckeduphuman.net [ points to same online folder ] to the resolve of my community address #4 written to adam4adam support.


    We know the date on record for this..  May almost two years now.  [ Written March of 2016 ]. And I have an eviction for the chaos that you are directly involved in #ConspiracyExposed, and you all know it. .


    # PNP

    Makta Pond <everylastcumdropugot@gmail.com>

    2:18 AM (22 minutes ago)
    to Adam4Adam, Awesome
    Note for the record of all things considered here, to all time human history, this email will be public memespace filed at this following location:

         [  http://fuckeduphuman.net/[WebDomains]/adam4adam.com ]


    Why did it take this record of hate and harassment to continue?


    And These two take the cake:

    Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-313-1459

    Index of /[PhoneNumbers]/720-207-3988

    What has taken you so long to change the code of your security violation that I have known about for over 8 years?   Oh, did the FBI show up at your doorstep to tell you to fix this or else?   Yeah, I bet.  That is because of me.   

    Know that you are in check mate.   If I find any other problems with your violations of privacy in these matters --- you will not be released from the scorn that I will have to the @FBI criminal complaint will be filed against your CEO.  I promise you I make sure that is forced into perspectives.

    I said to you guys, not all was bad at adam4adam.com but your web bad breath statements I have made may finally becoming a clean fresh breath of reality. 

    You should be ashamed of having this record at zendesk for auto-solving matters that were never truly solved.  Are you going to pay attention to me more than you have in the past?

    I expect a reply to answer the questions in this email.


    James Martin Driskill
    long term adam4adam member. 

    Just listen to the hate harassment and general chaos allowed to run-a-muck on your site...
    I am expecting excellence from the harm you have done to community by ignoring this matter for so many years.  You have not been forgiven or off the hook yet.

    24m24 minutes ago

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    When will I see this paradigm shift occur?
    That #ConspiracyExposed has terminated??
    The matter on record with Wikipedia and the homophobic creations of the Party and Play article must be changed.
    Just listen to this in full to the foundation of why the interference violations of privacy is so outrageous to the standards of computing and moral responsibility and violations of information privacy in cyberspace transactions that was censored and remains censored from view.  The truth will be disturbing but must be released.  You all don't realize the harm that has been done, you have not lived the life with friends involved in these harms and the direct harms done onto me.

    The Wikipedia Article Changes to Reflect The Truth.  That will be my notification that this #ConspiracyExposed as been status of #ConspiracyExposedTerminated --- but the status remains #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP

    This is a matter of record detailed record on site with my domain.
    You don't want to mess with an information technology theory wizard creations like me any fucking more.

    You hear me complete?

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
    Date: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:49 AM
    Subject: Re: Introduction to case needs ---- a man on a mission of peace -- where is the peace when haters have been allowed to win and remain on their throne of hate!
    To: "Bethany Barbaoza Case Manager at dbh.sbcounty.gov" <bbarboza@dbh.sbcounty.gov>, sgraves@dbh.sbcounty.gov

    Emotional Trauma --- that is what has happened to me.   That if anything is what I need remedy
    for assistance in advocacy in making the repairs necessary to community so I can save my
    friends I left behind and return my friend / class roster of persons I was educating at
    the Awesome Krambone Playroom School of adult consensual practices.  Don't tell me
    there is no hope at all.  You would be failing a grade of my expectation of excellence
    from everyone to follow words of Pope Francis.

    @Gruwup Conflict Resolution System Presentation
    8 videos 3 views Updated yesterday

    Transcript: Excerpt Pope Francis's speech to Congress Sept 2015


    ---- The use of internet media is required in my case to be client centered.


    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:26 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:
    I accidentally pressed send Sorry. I will start again,

    Dear Ms Barbaoza,

    It was nice to meet you on Monday to go housing application gathering.  I have one completed application.  I can't remember which application requires "an appointment" call.  Maybe after I have filled all of them, I can go over the instructions of each.

    Here is where my introduction story unfolds to you now:

    My name is James Martin Driskill.  I was born and raised here in San Bernardino and currently staying with my mother at the house that I grew up in since I was age 5.  It is located on Grande Vista. Effective this housing fiasco from Denver, I have actually registered a google business at this address which is the following:

    that says @Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding Website

    Here is that website address:


    There is no income stream at my web domain and materials on file is a memespace not a GUI Website Interface.   What this means,
    it takes a bit of organizing for peace building contents to be filed there.  I had my work interrupted in Denver with an 11 month hate
    and harassment campaign of a #ConspiracyExposed in Hiv/Aids Social Services that I can prove is systemic to the effecting the
    national system under what is called The Ryan White Care Act. 

    If I am going to find a place to re soundly call home, it must be in a place that does not have a negative review from employees of these
    typically non-profit organizations. If you know me well, you know I do everything that I say I will do.

    It is my intention to get fair case management and return back to Denver with a reconciliation agreement that it was their fault that
    my housing collapsed.  But suing a non-profit taking funds away from everyone is not the answer or remedy I seek. 

    First, I seek an apology and commitments that the #ConspiracyExposed has terminated and that new commitments and arrangements
    are made if the hate and harassment is not ceased against me.   Actually I claim there is a breech of tenancy that occured with my housing
    as I did not agree to have an 11 month hate and harassment campaign targeted against me, from the leaders of the Colorado Health Network
    aka Denver Colorado Aids Project. 

    This is what is said of Colorado Health Network on Glass Door in 3 employee reviews that were offered to the site after I come back home.

    New on site another review:

    Former Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Neutral Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network full-time


    The mission at CHN is good.


    Very caddy work environment for the most part.

    Advice to Management

    Get to know employees better


    Here is the worst ones on record:


    Helpful (2)

    Former Employee - Client Services in Denver, CO
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook

    I worked at Colorado Health Network (Less than a year)


    Case Managers are not micro-managed, occasionally drug companies will come in and bring free lunch, relaxed dress code, on a major bus line


    Management is awful. They do not trust their employees with anything - not even tissues. If you want a box of tissues you have to go to upstairs and talk to the them. One person stores them in his office.

    They had a big "investigation" because two employees quit because of racism and discrimination within the organization - the "investigation" was "inconclusive". They had a meeting with all of the staff (that was announced 24 hrs prior). Regarding discrimination. It was said that we were diverse "we have one of everything". How can an organization thrive when a top official is racist?

    If you are a woman or person of color, it is very hard to move up in the org and be heard. If you are a cute, white male, you will do well in this company.

    Turnover is high!
    Show Less

    Advice to Management

    Maybe start with a little bit of respect (for clients and staff)?

  • Helpful (1)

  • Current Employee - Anonymous Employee
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook

    I have been working at Colorado Health Network full-time (Less than a year)


    Brand new facility, friendly coworkers, easy access to downtown. Interviews are too easy. Great benefits. Benefits those less fortunate.


    Oppressive leadership, disingenuous management, dishonest business practices. I really wan to like this place but the management could use some training. I have witnessed some dishonest business practices going on here. Toxic work environment. Pay is very low. Upper level management is very elitist, discriminating, and oppressive toward other staff.

    Advice to Management

    Take some training courses to learn how to perform your job better. Many may have landed in their current positions due to the Peter Principle. Do some house cleaning, see who actually contributes to the successful functioning of the company and trim the fat. Just because someone is fun outside of work and makes you laugh does not mean they are competent managers that need to be leading other people. Take a look in the mirror.

    ------ that is filed after my defeat of my housing which was caused by this hate collective and now apparently gossip queens.

    Yep, they have been violating the information cyberspace privacy of clients and generating a hate and harrassment toward black clients and
    those friends of them.   But what do I know when I was there, I have caught the whole thing filed at @fuckeduphuman.net --- yep, I own
    that domain. 

    It is more systemic than just Denver..... and no one is talking or breathing a word.  This has got to stop.

    I have hacked the business profile for Colorado Health Network as:


    I do not believe it is going to be removed. The two employees that quit, one of my case managers Fadumo Adan.

    I am not your average client and do not expect to be treated unwisely to the realities of the world order of moral fortiutes in
    my peace building mission work.

    Where should I go to correct this mess?

    To the Reformation of the Ryan White Act itself is my goal point --- just listen to the other glass door reviews that I have captured into
    a presentation audio, which includes a negative review for here locally Foothill Aids Project.

    [SND] LetterOfAConspiracyExposed.mp3                                   22-Jan-2018 03:34   48M  

    It is systemic and no one is doing anything about it and lives are actually dying from this disservice to community.


    Study shows direct link between state spending habits and AIDS deaths

    test test

    I am very serious about the corrective necessity needed in the Ryan White Care Act social services network!  I want great help on advocacy on how to correct this derailment of trust.

    Thank you.  Whatever town I end up moving to must have a clean Glassdoor reviews against their local Ryan White Care Act Social Services Agency.  This is what makes my case so unique, I do not settle for less than excellence of interface to our informational society to make correct choices. 

    There is some good news.   The security hole that is addressed in the following forwarded email about adam4adam is finally being replaced. 

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

    On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 1:54 AM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    Dear Ms Barbaoza,

    It was nice to meet you on Monday to go housing application gathering.  I have one completed application.  I can't remember which application requires "an appointment" call.  Maybe after I have filled all of them, I can go over the instructions of each.

    Here is where my introduction story unfolds to you now:

    My name is James Martin Driskill.  I was born and raised here in San Bernardino and currently staying with my mother at the house that I grew up in since I was age 5.  It is located on Grande Vista. Effective this housing fiasco from Denver, I have actually registered a google business at this address which is the following:

    that says @Gruwup.net : Peacebuilding Website

    Here is the webpage:

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.


    I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
    By given real legal given at birth is
    James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

    I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

    Selma to Montgomery March (1965)
